Coming to Time

When I am not occupied with work or with my family, I think about time. I read about time. I search the internet about time. I wrote about time a few years back. I am obsessed with the concept of time. The exploration of time is my hobby. To some people that may seem like a strange hobby. Thoughts on time is where I send my idle time.

There are a few beginnings to my time hobby.

  1. I remember laying in bed when I was in the 6th grade. The thought came to me that the days were passing quicker. The days past so quickly that I felt as if I was always laying in bed at night and the day was simply a blip.

  2. I got very curious about the concept of entropy within the study of thermodynamics in my high school Physics class.

  3. Somewhere between 2013 and 2015, every time I ran I listened exclusively to the audio version of The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I ran a lot then. I basically brainwashed myself with Eckhart Tolle’s voice to accept his insights. I learned about Eckhart Tolle from Oprah Winfrey’s Super Sunday Series with Eckhart Tolle. Which I came to after looking randomly through an Oprah magazine that someone brought into the house. I happen to also enjoy the self-help genre.

Since these beginnings, I have looked for and read on many aspects of time. My conclusion is that time essentially does not exist, all that is is the present moment.