Skiing - Sunday January 26

I took my daughter, younger son and his friend skiing this Sunday. The conditions were okay. The top half of the mountain was fairly icy. The bottom half was loose granular snow. The sun came out every once in a while but for the most part it was overcast. Snow fell a few times.

I was with my daughter most of the time. And joined up with my son and his friend for a few runs. My children definitely love skiing. I snowboard. Going to the mountain is one of a few activities we all do together that everyone enjoys.

On one of the runs, I went up a rise on the side of the trail (terrain park) that was compacted snow. When I came down to join the main trail, I caught my downhill back edge and fell. My neck whipped back and my head hit the snow hard. I laid there for a few seconds to catch my breath.

When I sat up I felt a little sick to my stomach. I also immediately thought I must have a concussion. I took off and inspected my helmet. I was glad I was wearing it even though I do not know what, if any protection, it provided. My helmet showed no damage. I looked up at my tracks to see if I could see where my head hit. There was an impression in the snow that looked like it was actually a soft hit. I put my helmet back on. I boarded down to joined my crew who waited at the lift eager to take another run.

I remainder of the day went without major injury or incident. Well, the snack bar closed early and a promised of hot chocolate provided a new challenge. Without permission we went in and filled out brought from home cups with hot chocolate and a little soft serve. This upset my daughter. So I sought out an employee and got two opinions that what we did was okay. That eased her woes. Next time we are there I will reimburse them for two hot chocolates.

Is there no time?

From a Quora post September 2015

Is there no time?

The reactions to this question by both the scientific and general population are automatic and predictable in almost every post on the possibility of time not existing. Paraphrasing here: "Of course time exists. If time did not exist, everything would have at once" or "Our proven physics proves time exists because our equations require it to".

Why is this reaction so firm? Why do people defend the existence of time with such passion?

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Technique Before Power

In rowing, it is important to get your oar in the water before you pull. This simple task called the catch sounds easy but It takes a lot of practice to get a proper catch. And when you row in a boat with eight people it is vital that all eight people get the catch correct at the same time.

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Get Specific With Education

General education is hard. Not everyone wants to learn or know about everything. I do think a general understanding of arithmetic, writing, reading, biology, chemistry, physics, and history is needed to be successful in modern society. However, the basic principals of these topics can be taught to proficiency by the 8th grade. The later years of high school should have a specific focus on course work and experiences which are aligned with a student’s interests.

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