The Hard to See/Conceive Is What Gets to Us Now - Coronavirus

As a species, we have eliminated most of the obvious dangers (manmade and natural) and apparent obstacles to our domination of the planet. The hard to see and conceive threats however now present our greatest peril into the future.

Novel Coronavirus is one of the hardest viruses that we have come across. Unlike a virus that makes its carriers equally sick, SARS-COV-2 is selective. It only makes the most vulnerable elderly people sick. Most individuals serve only as a multiplication and dispersion mechanism for the Coronavirus. And this is the largest danger. The harm to the common carrier is not great enough for them to stop spreading it. And the carrier can not conceive of the harm that they can cause by being social as they are not that sick, especially in the early stages of COVID19. And thus the virus spreads and spreads, dead-ending only with those who lack the immunological strength to carry the virus on.

Societal isolation of infected and uninfected is the only way to stop the tricky virus.

Stay safe.