I got in trouble this week. I stacked up the schedule at the ciderhouse. And as sometimes happens, one of the scheduled tasks got delayed. And consequently, the rest of the schedule got out of sync. A little bit of slack int he schedule would have been welcomed.
Read moreStay Ahead of It All
I used to surf. Since I live in Oregon I rarely if ever go. The water is just too cold for it to be enjoyable. Maybe I am just not truly dedicated to the sport anymore. But I do dream of surfing in warm water.
In surfing, the spot to be at is right before the wave break on the wave in what is called the pocket. One of the reasons surfers turn is to stay in the pocket of the wave. Whether at work, at home, in reference to debt, homework, or laundry, the best spot to be is ahead of it all.
Read moreTasting Room Open at Ciderhouse
I decided to open the tasting room at the ciderhouse. This decision was made after I decided to sponsor TEDx Salem and to hand open tasting coupons at the event. Will anyone show up?
Read moreThe Silent Treatment
tried an experiment over the past few days where I did not talk inside the house. Now I did not ignore people, I engaged with everyone. It is just that I did not talk on my side of the engagement.
Read moreClean Your Inbox
Just do it. Go to your email’s inbox (or all of your various email inboxes) and start cleaning. Here is how to do it:
Read moreOvershot
Networked computers with shared drives, word documents, spreadsheets, graphic programs, websites and email represents the pinnacle of productivity. We have overshot the usefulness of technology when it comes to productivity. Smart phones and apps may be the death of us.
Read moreUse It or Lose It at Work
At my work I have been on a 3 year campaign to clean up. I have adopted the mantra of use it or lose it.
Read moreYour life is a miracle and you are its Director
The simple fact that you exist is a miracle.
Read morePresent Moment - Span & Focal Point Introduced
Here is an idea on what happens when to the present moment when one observer maintains a greater velocity than another observer.
Read morePresent Moment Introduction
This is a working theory on the present moment that came to me a few days ago.
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