“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”― Cyril Connolly
New Statesman, February 25, 1933
As a species, we have eliminated most of the obvious dangers (manmade and natural) and apparent obstacles to our domination fo the planet. The hard to see and conceive threats however now present our greatest peril into the future.
Electric cars convert nearly 100% of the electricity stored in the battery to work used to move the vehicle.
The story with the internal combustion engine (ICE) is quite different.
wanted to have an electric car since I graduated from college in 1998. I remember arguing with my family then how an electric car was better primarily because it moved the source of pollution from non-point source to point source.
Time travel is not possible because there is only one "time" that ever exists, now, the present.
For time travel to exist, two nows would need to exist simultaneously. There would be your now and then a past or future now available to travel to.
Time does not exist as an inherent part of the universe. Time is a fabricated convenience which allows humans to categorize events.
From a Quora post September 2015
Is there no time?
The reactions to this question by both the scientific and general population are automatic and predictable in almost every post on the possibility of time not existing. Paraphrasing here: "Of course time exists. If time did not exist, everything would have at once" or "Our proven physics proves time exists because our equations require it to".
Why is this reaction so firm? Why do people defend the existence of time with such passion?
In rowing, it is important to get your oar in the water before you pull. This simple task called the catch sounds easy but It takes a lot of practice to get a proper catch. And when you row in a boat with eight people it is vital that all eight people get the catch correct at the same time.
General education is hard. Not everyone wants to learn or know about everything. I do think a general understanding of arithmetic, writing, reading, biology, chemistry, physics, and history is needed to be successful in modern society. However, the basic principals of these topics can be taught to proficiency by the 8th grade. The later years of high school should have a specific focus on course work and experiences which are aligned with a student’s interests.
I got in trouble this week. I stacked up the schedule at the ciderhouse. And as sometimes happens, one of the scheduled tasks got delayed. And consequently, the rest of the schedule got out of sync. A little bit of slack int he schedule would have been welcomed.
I used to surf. Since I live in Oregon I rarely if ever go. The water is just too cold for it to be enjoyable. Maybe I am just not truly dedicated to the sport anymore. But I do dream of surfing in warm water.
In surfing, the spot to be at is right before the wave break on the wave in what is called the pocket. One of the reasons surfers turn is to stay in the pocket of the wave. Whether at work, at home, in reference to debt, homework, or laundry, the best spot to be is ahead of it all.
I decided to open the tasting room at the ciderhouse. This decision was made after I decided to sponsor TEDx Salem and to hand open tasting coupons at the event. Will anyone show up?
tried an experiment over the past few days where I did not talk inside the house. Now I did not ignore people, I engaged with everyone. It is just that I did not talk on my side of the engagement.
Just do it. Go to your email’s inbox (or all of your various email inboxes) and start cleaning. Here is how to do it:
Networked computers with shared drives, word documents, spreadsheets, graphic programs, websites and email represents the pinnacle of productivity. We have overshot the usefulness of technology when it comes to productivity. Smart phones and apps may be the death of us.
At my work I have been on a 3 year campaign to clean up. I have adopted the mantra of use it or lose it.
Here is an idea on what happens when to the present moment when one observer maintains a greater velocity than another observer.
Time does not exist. Only the illusion of time exists within a conscious observer (ie a time keeper).
The exploration of time is my hobby. To some people that may seem like a strange hobby. Thoughts on time is where I send my idle time.